
Ulvi Kala

CEO; Member of the Board

Ulvi is literally an energy bomb who inspires Baltic Intertex employees as well as people outside of it – in addition to the CEO’s work, she is also a business mentor and coach.

He is a die-hard psychology enthusiast with a clear belief that the CEO is a servant to other employees. And so it is. A leader influences his team even with the look he wears when he comes to work in the morning.

Ulvi can confidently say that during the 23 years she has been managing Baltic Intertex, she has never once thought, oh my God, again! Not once! She has adventure and fun every day.

As a manager, Ulvi makes sure that absolutely all employees at Baltic Intertex have a good job, and most importantly – it has to be fun. Sometimes she takes on projects that are not so good for the business as for the playfulness of the employees. Because no one wants to do a boring job.

Ulvi’s job is management, but she knows exactly how sewing works. In the early years of her career, she even got the nickname Sewing Fast Ripping Up Fast. That is why she also understands her colleagues well. She knows what their work means.

However, she has no idea what the word “difficult” means. It is completely absent from her vocabulary! Yes, she knows what “challenge” and “lesson” mean, but what is “difficult”?

Perhaps this attitude has been taught to her by playing sports, which she has been doing since 1976. Ulvi runs, rides a bike, does yoga and taiji, skis both in the mountains and in the countryside, and takes long walks with her dog. An active lifestyle is Ulvi’s motto, and it can be said that many other Baltic Intertex people have a similar attitude.

Apart from management, psychology and sports, Ulvi’s fourth major interest is horticulture. She can forget herself for hours among the beds and bushes or, for example, even drive after some rare plant in Võru. In the garden, she recharges herself and gets fresh energy to go to work again in the morning with a happy face.

Angeelika Vendla

Production Manager

Angelika does important work as a production manager. She plans and organizes the entire production of Baltic Intertex, accepts orders, agrees on prices and deadlines.

Angelika likes the work of the production manager, because she has always been well suited to administration and accuracy. There is no way that anyone could keep the times more precisely than she.

Another thing that makes Angelika happy about her work is the excellent production team she leads.

In her opinion, Baltic Intertex’s greatest values are people and joint events, the likes of which cannot be found anywhere else. Here, for example, Halloween is celebrated in the way that it is celebrated – the whole company works in costumes all day, without any exceptions. CEO Ulvi once even went to a job interview in a costume.

When it comes to the things that make Angelika happy outside of work, they are hanging out in the garden, vacations, inviting friends over and the achievements of her sons. Spicy meat dishes, delicious raw salads and a glass of wine on a Friday night also appeal to her. You still have to enjoy life!

But once there is time left over from other activities, Angelika learns the carpenter’s trade. What else could she do with those skills!

Ljudmila Bojetskaja

Technical designer

When Ljudmila came to the internship at Baltic Intertex many years ago, she immediately faced a real test. She had to make 500 jacket layouts on the fabric using a new program. Just think, what a responsibility! Ljudmila did the placements in an exemplary manner, and who would want to let such an intern go.

And here she is now. Already ten years.

Her job is to construct cuts. This work requires speed, accuracy and correctness. That’s enough for Ljudmila. Already at school, her favourite subject was mathematics. Painting, of course, too. Ljudmila is still doing this as well. Her painted pictures please the eyes of all colleagues at the Baltic Intertex office.

Ljudmila likes us very much. One reason is, of course, the pleasant work, but another is the excellent team and nice joint events.

If Ljudmila had a huge amount of free time, she would travel all over the world, spend time with her family, sew and, of course, paint.

Sometimes, when Ljudmila is bored, she reads classic fiction, psychology or professional books about fashion and style.

But do you know what Ljudmila secretly dreams about sometimes? About the ability to fly a plane or a ship. Like that.

Kaili Tuisk

Production technologist

Kaili is a production technologist at Baltic Intertex, which means that she is responsible for the quality of all products that come from our outsourced sewing companies. Just think! No wonder Kaili’s assistant Liis calls her god.

To be more precise, Kaili prepares technological descriptions of models for sewing companies and trusts, but checks the quality of their production. She also offers clients various technological solutions if it seems that some of the initially agreed upon plans have not worked well.

Kaili tolerates stress well, because being a filter between producers and customers is not an indulgence. There is a lot of responsibility.

In the old days, she was also known as the Multitasker, but now she has pulled back a bit in her frolicking.

In Kaili’s opinion, dealing with clothes can never get boring, because no season is similar to the last. Keeping up with the times and continuous development is exciting.

Kaili is proud of her family and personal life. Also about being able to fulfill your wishes. For example, she currently dreams of hiking through New Zealand. This wish will also be fulfilled for sure.

Until then, she is gardening, running, riding a bike, going to the cinema and theatre, sewing and ballroom dancing. She has been working with the latter since 2015, and her dance repertoire includes as many as 19 dance styles.

Marve Paju


Marve is a number wizard at Baltic Intertex, whose job is to turn numbers into information needed by others. It is important for her to constantly develop and improve work processes, because otherwise the work would become routine. And it seems that she has succeeded, because otherwise Marve would not have been able to keep our accounts in order for 22 years.

She has worked for us for so long because we have benevolent and friendly colleagues and an extremely active and big-hearted manager who values ​​his people. That’s what he said!

A nice story also happened once with Marve. She asked one of the new employees to answer her phone and tell them some reason why the accountant could not answer the phone. The employee answered the phone and said that Marve was not at work that day. When Marve asked who called, the answer was: the tax office.

In addition to the development of work processes, Marve also considers important to develop her spirit. She reads a lot of self-improvement books, because how else can that spirit develop. Still learning.

She recently learned woodworking, and plans to learn painting, ceramics and macrame next.

And if there’s time left over from all this, Marve just mopes. This also needs to be done.

Killu-Triin Pajumets

Product Developer

Killu’s main role is to help turn designers’ ideas into reality. Through the client’s vision and Killu’s skills, clothing collections come to life. Additionally, she ensures that BIT is steadily moving towards circular economy.

Killu enjoys the diversity of her work. Alongside structured office tasks, she spends a good deal of time on the move—both within and outside the office. She participates in projects and training, engaging closely with clients and partners. When needed, she also contributes to the design processes, ensuring that no two workdays are ever the same.

Collaborating with designers is inspiring for Killu. Sometimes an idea begins as a gentle, hazy thought. Killu helps to give these ideas more shape, turning dreams into reality. The cherry on top is the genuine satisfaction of the client when they see the final product.

Killu is deeply committed to an eco-friendly lifestyle, both at work and in her personal life. She actively participates in circular economy training and helps BIT implement this mindset in its practices. Thanks to her contributions, the company is moving towards a more sustainable future.

Ene Pedason

Technical designer

Ene has worked at Baltic Intertex since its first day. Her job is to design clothes and place models. Whether the garment fits well or not depends on her work.

Ene is doing just the right job because she is very precise. Already at school, she liked drawing and there is nothing she can do about it.

She likes working with designers. It is especially nice when she captures the designer’s idea well and a simple design turns into a beautiful model. Then they will both rejoice with the designer.

Ene says that she feels at home at Baltic Intertex. There is a great company and awesome events here.

Enel also has a swing. Namely, she does not tolerate trash cans out of order. There must be only clean paper in the wastebasket, the garbage bag must be placed neatly, and the trash must also be placed (yes, placed, not thrown!) in the trash can so that it can hold more. This attitude will save the world.

In her free time, Ene goes to a choir, eats fairly hearty food and does moderate exercise. But for some reason she goes swimming in winter. When other people are sitting in front of the fireplace in the room.

Merike Toiger

Development Manager

Merike’s job is to communicate with customers and capture their thoughts. Simple! If the customer’s wishes are clear, Merike conveys them to colleagues as thoroughly and accurately as possible.

She does his work with soul, because how else can you get praise from yourself and others.

Merikes liked geography at school (maps are still his weakness), mathematics and, of course, drawing. She could have become a pretty good civil engineer, but instead she went to study a different engineering science – clothing design. Fortunately for us.

Merike likes that her work is versatile. If sometimes a glitch occurs and the mind stops cooperating with her, she can immerse himself in activities that require, for example, hands. In this way, she can keep the mental and physical side in balance.

If Merike had a lot of free time and no responsibilities, she would go skating every day. Skating is his old love, which is known to not rust – as a child, she was engaged in figure skating for eight years. And she would also learn French.

But now he really likes to read, especially the works of Estonian authors.

Merike knows that every moment in life should be enjoyed. Life is too short to waste time sulking and complaining.

Ave Piipuu

Purchasing, Accessories Warehouse Manger

Ave is a buyer, stockist and assembler in one person. In addition to the above, she designs stickers and washing instructions, orders transport and sometimes also checks the quality of the products.

She likes when the whole process goes smoothly and everything that is not planned is done on time. It is important for her that her colleagues are professionals who can be trusted in matters concerning their field, and that is exactly the case at Baltic Intertex.

In addition to being professionals, they are also just nice people. Nor could you do all the awesome things that CEO Ulvi organizes all the time with other people.

By the way, Ulvi is Ave’s roommate from elementary school. When Ave took a break after working at the bank for 20 years, Ulvi invited her to work with her, and that’s where she stayed. In fact, Ave is not completely unfamiliar with the field of sewing, because during high school she even took sewing classes as an extra subject. And here he can further develop her skills alongside professional colleagues.

Ave is proud of her two good sons. And also about the fact that, despite all kinds of times, she has managed to maintain a sense of humor and a positive attitude towards life.

In her spare time, Ave reads a lot. Her absolute favourite is Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita, but in addition to both older and newer fiction, she also reads biographical and historical books.

Larissa Madisson


Larissa’s job is to sew samples.

She is glad that she can work at Baltic Intertex, because there is a nice team and a sewing machine that works flawlessly. Because who would want to work with a bad machine. Yes, the samples would be completed in an exemplary manner, but the mood would eventually go away.

Larissa also likes that her work is creative and never boring. You can constantly sew interesting models and use exciting fabrics.

By the way, Larissa makes sure that there is still greenery in the office – she grows tomato plants here.

The sunshine of her life are her grandchildren and her hobbies are walking in the forest and cleaning in the cottage.

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